Table of Contents

  1. Gorge Fusion Battle System
  2. Leveling Up
  3. System Controls
  4. Equipment
  5. Healing
  6. ROMB Background
  7. Website

Gorge Fusion Battle System

  1. What is Gorge Fusion?
  2. What are Growth Points? (GP)
  3. What is Gorging?
  4. How are Fighters created?
  5. And where are these GP stores?
    Do players have a li'l memory card thing where their characters are stored?
    Possibility of hacking here! Or are they stored online in some super big place?


  1. What is Gorge Fusion?

    Gorge Fusion is a arcade-style fighting game that involves mild VR elements. Players put on HMDs and control their fighter through a unique interface which resembles a light orb. One to one battles and tagteam are also supported, in a centralised of distributed environment. Gorge Fusion games are only played in Harlot arcades.

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  2. What are Growth Points? (GP)

    Growth Points are needed to boost your fighter after each match. These points basically represents the acquisition of new experience, improvements, etc, in a numerical value. Fighters can obtain GPs when they are:
    • casually sparring/training
    • winning a match
    • losing a match
    • gorging

    However, the first three situations might not guarantee GPs. On the other hand, Gorging guarantees GPs, and in great amounts too. The amount of GPs you receive also controls the undeterminants of your Character: Luck, Probability of Unlocking new Weapon moves, Hit Bonuses, Probability of Mutation for Weapons/Armors, etc. Things like these might not seem much when you're a lower-ranking fighter, but it gets awfully sigfinicant if you plan to move up to rank of Champion. That's why winners Gorge losers, despite risk of Blood Poisoning.

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  3. What is Gorging?

    Gorging is the process of ingesting another fighter when he/she is KO-ed. When a fighter gorges another, his stats will be boosted radically. Compared to winning a match without Gorging, it is way much faster. However, THERE IS a downside to over-gorging, called Blood Poisoning. By overgorging, a fighter's blood is tainted, thus it's like getting cancer - no cure. Getting this impacts the fighter's battling skill. If a fighter is PURE BLOODED, meaning it seldom/or NEVER gorges, it is a very highly-valued commodity in a Gorge Fusion game. Gorging a character of PURE blood would be WAY MUCH BETTER (in terms of GPs and side-effects) than gorging a character of tainted blood. When you choose not to Gorge, you don't kill your opponent's fighter. Therefore he has a chance to recuperate and battle again. You can't kill a chara until you gorge it. Even after the Life Bar is emptied out, the chara is merely KO-ed, never killed. You gorge it, the chara's "dead", unrevivable, unless by means of Witchdoctors.

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  4. How are Fighters created?

    Use system charas, OR custom-made. When you lose a chara which you spent your whole life building, you just don't really start all over again. There's emotional attachment for one. Unless you have simultaneously a couple of charas up your sleeve in the first place, then you'll be able to switch to another one once any one ends up getting Gorged. But then again, that'll require you to divide your time maxing up 3 charas while everybody is kicking asses with only one. Therefore you'll never be as good.

    Having a character in GorgeFusion will be like having a robot. XD You customised the character according to your liking: choose his outfit, his weapons, his fighter class. The character itself does not have AI capabilities. It's just an empty digital husk. But, a character comes to life when you strap on a helmet, when you "role-play" it. When you taunt your enemies, he will do the same. He will exhibit all the mannerisms you exhibit when you're playing. The injuries received by the character will not be reflected on your RL self. GOrge Fusion is just a game. It does not leave any physical trauma. Perhaps you will be temporarily blinded when the controller orb explodes, but that's about it.

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  5. And where are these GP stores?
    Do players have a li'l memory card thing where their characters are stored?
    Possibility of hacking here! Or are they stored online in some super big place?

    Characters would be stored in cards, together with their attributes. Note that Jemima has a card. Card comes in a variety of forms. Some have holographic properties, meaning you see a projection of its contents by pressing on some button. It's has a common interface and most machines with card-reading functions will be able to access the info in a card. But specific machines sees only specific data, unless if you go to a card-reader, which basically lists out all the contents in the card. The card is actually a multi-purpose data storage device.

    Yes, there's always a Cheat in any computer game. After all, they're all just binaries. For characters who have been gorged (dead), there's an illegal method of going to a hacker to "revive" their characters. These kinda hackers would be called WitchDoctors. and it'll cost a bomb to actually pay someone to do it. It also violates the copyright of the game btw. You're not supposed to unearth dead ppl and go Frankenstein on them.

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Leveling Up

  1. So what happens when two guys decided to make hundreds of characters... only to have one of them gorging everyone else?
  2. How about if those two guys, instead of gorging... just beat the crap outta each other to gain GPs?
  3. But then again, at the end GP doesn't matter much, as it's about the player's own skill etc


  1. So what happens when two guys decided to make hundreds of characters... only to have one of them gorging everyone else? i said, there's a downside to over-gorging. It's called BLOOD POISONING. Bad things happen to bad people. *evil laughter*

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  2. How about if those two guys, instead of gorging... just beat the crap outta each other to gain GPs?

    I'm trying to model the battle system to real-life physical combat. Combatants do not level up/get GPs if they defeat weak opponents. You don't become a DragonSlayer after practicing on house lizards for 50 years.

    Yeah i guess you could get GPs by training on "house lizards", but that'll only make you an "Master HouseLizard Killer". To gain effective GPs, you'll need to move on to harder to defeat opponents, develop signature moves, get real battle experience.

    Having your charas to practice with is cool, but that'll just be like training. There's no better training than the real-life hands-on experience itself. You could fight with system charas also, but once you beat the game, you'll need to fight with real people to really improve.

    When the charas maxed out their stats (which are kept invisible), they'll stop gaining GPs. From there, the players will be able to concentrate on new moves, technique and strategy to win a battle. At the end of the day, it still rounds up to the most basic elements: instinct, skill, and cunning.

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  3. But then again, at the end GP doesn't matter much, as it's about the player's own skill etc

    The GPs do matter. They build up the basics of a character: physical strength, agility, etc. Mostly physical stats. But when you're a Gorge Champion, its expected for you to have fulfilled these basic stats (not necessarily maxed out). You'll see lots of fancy moves and crazy techniques in Champion Gorge players, not like those basic moves in newbie levels. So it'll be pretty interesting.

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Systems Control

  1. Helmet =
  2. Panel =
  3. Light Orb =


  1. Helmet =

    For visuals, sound, and "force-feedback". What force-feedback, you ask. See, there's a small round thing on the helmet, at the bridge of the nose. THat thing tend to zap the player with a certain low amount of electricity whenever he takes a heavy hit or when he gets KO-ed. But I'm a lazy ass who neglected to tell that in the comic because i dread creating electricity effects with Photoshop. Later pages will show this feature.

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  2. Panel =

    The panel is for the system controls of loading a character, player customization, etc. Not for the direct controls of a fight. There are slots for cards somewhere on the panel.

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  3. Light Orb =

    When coming with the game control of the game, i had a HELL LOT of problems. I need to come out with something that provides flexibility of controls which enable a player to come out with his/her own moves, style, etc. For example, Stack isn't a system chara. He was custom-made and ported into the game. Therefore, one really couldn't know in advance what kinda special moves he might have.

    Special moves are actually discovered when the player is well-used to the controls, develop a playing pattern, or a series of effective attacks. Repeated use of these moves will cause recognition among spectators, thus becoming a "signature move". It's very realistic.

    OKay, now to the question how a Light Orb controls the character. I can't think of any form of controller that would support an almost infinite possibility of input. Therefore, I thought of a sphere, how it's shape provides a huge potential for seamless control. Instead of pressing buttons, you swipe, cut, "contact" with the orb. It's actually a non-physical holo/light projection that detects and calculates the angle of your swipes, the depth, etc. Need more research in this... :p But yeah, something like that.

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  1. How do players specify the clothing of their character?
    I mean... one person may choose only a jagged trousers and sleeveless shirt ala Ryu, another may choose full-body suit like a SWAT officer.
    Isn't this a bit unfair? What are the considerations for clothing?
  2. And armour... The player needs to buy them, right?
    Then is it possible to push it as extreme as full-body armour ala Iron Man or Batman Beyond?
    Then the character can just fly away and shoot down at his opponent to KO quite easily...
  3. Are there team fight?
    And can a character bring along a "helper" to bring his special weapon?
  4. How do the characters "evolve" (borrowing the term from Pokemon =P)? I mean... what determines the character to turn into something new?
    (4.1) Is the player able to choose the direction of evolution or
    (4.2) does the AI of the game somehow calculates the fighting style of a player and give him an evolution which the AI thinks suits his style? Or did you think of something else?
  5. Is there any empty-handed fighters in Gorge Fusion game?
  6. How do players choose their weapon? Can they switch weapon?
  7. Are armours, shield, and other protectors allowed?
  8. Are guns and rockets allowed? If yes, what about vehicles?
  9. Are there any mutant fighters? Like Kamen Rider or X-Men?
  10. Would this not give the rich a "starting" advantage in that they could buy all of the best armor/weapons?
    Or does a Char have to have certain ability scores before they can equip it (EG-You have to be strong enough to hold up a sword before you can use one)?
  11. Would the companies who program the weapons and armors have an advantage (know all the moves a weapon has available and roughly how much skill is needed to use said moves) if they sent fighters into tournements, or is there some kind of rule against that?


  1. How do players specify the clothing of their character?
    I mean... one person may choose only a jagged trousers and sleeveless shirt ala Ryu, another may choose full-body suit like a SWAT officer.
    Isn't this a bit unfair? What are the considerations for clothing?

    I haven't thought about this, AT ALL. Okay. Everybody starts out from the base template, remember? From there you are allowed only to decide on the Basic Clothing you wear which provides the most basic defense, which is not really significant (that'll be Ryu's clothing). As for the SWAT getup, that's Armor. Whether you want your fighter to be armored or not, it's up to you. I've decided to make the game realistic, if Ryu thinks he looks good in karate cut-offs and refuses to don some form of armor, then it's his problem.

    People BUY armor, that's how it is in the realworld. But you can only use an armor properly when it suits fighter's level/style,etc. Of course anyone can wear big armors, protected from head to toes, but obviously that'll slow 'em down. Give and take, I guess. In the comic currently, most of the fighters are not wearing armor because opponents are not very strong in the qualifying matches. Plus, armor and weapons absorb impact, meaning they DO wear out. Expensive to have them replaced. (you can repair them, yes). But when you move up to the Challengers' list, you'll start seeing ppl changing their fighting strategy and sometimes, equipment too. This is because Gorge Champions fight differently. They're like the pros in the Hikaru no Go world!

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  2. And armour... The player needs to buy them, right?
    Then is it possible to push it as extreme as full-body armour ala Iron Man or Batman Beyond?
    Then the character can just fly away and shoot down at his opponent to KO quite easily...

    Yes you can buy extreme full body armour, but no, your armour cannot make you fly. If it makes you fly, it's no longer categorised as Armour anymore. :P Gorge Fusion is only for realistic hand-to-hand ground combats. There is NO equipment that will boost your movements. Equipment is only to simply provide some Defense or increase your Attack power (or maybe make you look more dashing, thus adding to your Charisma XPP -- not that there's a need for the Charisma stat).

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  3. Are there team fight?
    And can a character bring along a "helper" to bring his special weapon?

    I don't see why not, as long it's a registered fighter. But during registration, your fighter have to pass the inspection phase, which basically checks the graphical representation of your character, gear, stats, for any signs of illegal tweaking/forgery, etc. As long as a fighter successfully passes through all this, he gets to join tournies, form teams, etc. I imagine the registration process is all automated, simply submitting your Fighter and getting a Serial Number in return.

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  4. How do the characters "evolve" (borrowing the term from Pokemon =P)? I mean... what determines the character to turn into something new?
    (4.1) Is the player able to choose the direction of evolution or
    (4.2) does the AI of the game somehow calculates the fighting style of a player and give him an evolution which the AI thinks suits his style? Or did you think of something else?

    OMG, point-form questions! THis feels like an exam! XDDD

    (4.0) Evolve or Mutation, they mean the same. The character change physically, stat-wise and also if you're already really super-powerful, you unlock certain moves/skills (??) I haven't decided on this yet. I was thinking of a concept called Fusion, where you don't need a weapon anymore. *shrugs* :p

    (4.1) No, the player doesn't get to uhm.. "allocate growth points to certain desired stats". Instead, you choose the direction to grow by deciding on your battle technique. Here's a lame example, if you fight by jumping around in heavy armor alot, you basically have stronger legs, which maybe means you're working on your DEX stat. .... Or, maybe you use your arms a lot to block attacks, you're building up muscles there, so maybe your Df will be increased in the region. ....

    Everything's unclear, containing lots of variables and parameters. It's like setting out in real life to become a warrior. You decide what areas you wanna build up, and you start working on it now. Of course the drawbacks of this "levelling up" system will be there as well, e.g. you end up boosting the wrong stat, you get hurt, etc. But that's the fun of it. :)

    (4.2) Geez, now why didin't I explain the above like you did. ;____; Yes, that's exactly the same as above. THe AI does it for you.

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  5. Is there any empty-handed fighters in Gorge Fusion game?

    Yes. Meaning they'll be fighting with their fists, or kungfu, etc. But even if a person's fighting like that, it's kinda bad cuz everybody's using long long weapons and you just have your arm. Most of them empty-handed ppl should have gear like Jawbreakers, Gloves, etc to enhance their attack power. It's not a must though. :)

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  6. How do players choose their weapon? Can they switch weapon?

    Yes they can choose/switch weapons. Of course, different weapons have different moves/attacks. You go to a licensed party or you can customise your own weapons from a base class blueprint thingie which is available on the Internet. This free blueprint is only available for low-level weapons. You'll have to pay to get more powerful weapons by having them developed by licensed ppl. Then you register your weapon to be able to use them in tournies. For poor people who choose not to spend money, you can just keep fighting and fighting until your weapon mutates (or not). When a weapon is used long enough, it might mutate. Might. Mutation causes the weapon to grow with the character, increases its Damage ratio, etc. Sometimes it doesn't mutate into what you want it to be. Some ppl take them to Witchdoctors, which is illegal, to have their char/weapon/armor tweaked.

    If you've been a swordsman all the while, and want to switch to lets say, an axe, you'll have to train again, but only skill-wise. Your original Str, AG, etc stats will still be the same.

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  7. Are armours, shield, and other protectors allowed?

    Yeah, similarly to weapons.

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  8. Are guns and rockets allowed? If yes, what about vehicles?

    Guns, yes. Rockets...yes i guess... not those shoot-to-da-moon rockets, though. But to get Rockets with such high damage capability, you'll have to Mutate or pay to get it. B4K4!!! Heroes travel on foot!!

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  9. Are there any mutant fighters? Like Kamen Rider or X-Men?

    Mutant fighters...? ... nope. Everyone starts out as humans. You don't get to choose if you wanna be an elf, dwarf, drow, etc. But when you gorge, you get to play with your stats. That's the only way to grow beyond your miserable human existence.

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  10. Would this not give the rich a "starting" advantage in that they could buy all of the best armor/weapons?
    Or does a Char have to have certain ability scores before they can equip it (EG-You have to be strong enough to hold up a sword before you can use one)?

    If you're rich, yes you can get a good start. It's like this in real life. But having a pricey fancy weapon does not guarantee a good fighter. Maybe you'll defeat more ppl in the beginning, but if you're not good enough, you still get bashed up by other people. No, you don't have to have a certain stat to equip hi-damage weapons. Once again I'm trying to make it realistic. It's just that you'll not be able to use that weapon effectively because you lack the strength, experience, etc. So it's better if people start out with easy-to-handle weapons and slowly move up. Most of the time, players who have money customise their weapons to suit their fighting style. Poorer players would try to push for a Mutation with their old weapons, until it gives out. Yeah, you can get all equipment fixed (depending on the level of damage of course)

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  11. Would the companies who program the weapons and armors have an advantage (know all the moves a weapon has available and roughly how much skill is needed to use said moves) if they sent fighters into tournements, or is there some kind of rule against that?

    Nah, they won't. They're just basically working with the basic blueprint distributed by the GF owners, and everything's very open. Maybe yeah, they'd know what are the weapons that would suit their fighters the most, but that's about it. :)

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  1. So are the injuries/fashion changes they take in this battle permanent?
    Will Stack's character automatically regain hair for it's next battle, or does it stay short?


  1. So are the injuries/fashion changes they take in this battle permanent?
    Will Stack's character automatically regain hair for it's next battle, or does it stay short?

    Stack will regain his hair slowly, but not in the next battle. And his hair will not grow beyond the previous length. The previous length was determined when the fighter was created. As for injuries, it's a bit different because healing will depend on the seriousness of your wounds. If you hand got chopped off, it won't grow back. Superficial wounds are recoverable and the rate of recovery would depend also on your fighter's stat. And yes, scars are possible.

    To gain a new look for your fighter (change of hairstyle, facial features, new skintone, etc), you can get your fighter re-skinned. You can't change their body structures, because a figther's body is sculpted according to the way he fights and the beatings he got.

    Fashion changes can be made by procuring new Basic Clothing, Armor or Accessories. :)

    Object #301 (Jemima's fighter) is wounded so severely in the beginning she took a very bad beating in her previous match and didin't get her chance to recover. Her latest facial wound would probably heal with time, but scarring is a possibility.

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ROMB Background

  1. A brief descriptions on what society ROMB is in, and the culture that ROMB follows.


  1. Please describe the background of ROMB's society and culture.

    Malaysian Influence
    I retained a fair amount of Malaysian influences in ROMB in terms of food, architecture, fashion, etc. If you look at Aida's pad above Ah Tatt's coffeehouse and also San's WahLei Sundries, they're all leftovers of old colonial influenced architecture, as Malaysia used to be a British colony back before the 50s.

    Because I'm a real glutton, I'm going to touch a lot on Malaysian food as the story moves on. Characters will be eating when they discuss something. Gatherings will be held in coffeeshops. There'll be foodstalls everywhere in ROMB Chinatown! Et cetera. So it's true that Instant Thai-flavor noodles is a popular supper in Malaysia. Only that we don't call it Thai-flavored. We call it TomYam, a superspicy Thai soup.

    The ROMB Society
    However, ROMB is not exactly Malaysia. Malaysia has a mixed population of Indians, Malays, Chinese and other minority races. ROMB has mostly yellow-skinned people. The Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, etc. It's like a very big thriving Chinatown. People might not speak your language, but you all look the same. Yellow. Save for a few gaijins and minorities.

    ROMB is set in this not-so futuristic fictitious state with the Chinese being the locals and the dominant race. The government is Democratic Parliament with a Prime Minister. I imagine ROMB country is a long-established nation which no longer actively practice ancestral traditions as people are intermarrying between races. Anyhow, the main religion no doubt is still Buddhism Taoism (all variations), Islam, Christianity, etc. Typical of an asian country. Different races such as the Koreans, Japanese and the northern people (burmese, myanmese) are immigrants. Because ROMB concentrates on the poor part of town, the story centres around Oricon Bay, Sai Chuan and TaiPing-Lin. Gangsterism and triads thrives here, segregating people by races and wealth.

    SaiChuan - City Centre
    Means "West River". This is the heart of the state. Huge malls and complexes, intricate and extensive infrastructures, large business centres, cultural plazas, tourist hotspots, high living standards and buildings that scratch the sky. Everything here is shiny and larger than life. Oh yes, largest themepark in the region located here too. The Chinese triads basically controls this place. They've become like the rulers of the place, making so much money with legal and illegal businesses. Sai Chuan is a triad which has grown into a business organization.

    Jem came from SaiChuan. Tzuan has a supah bachelor pad there. XD

    Oricon Bay
    Located between Sai Chuan and Taiping-Lin. Used to be under the control of the Chinese SaiChuan triads but the current Dragon Head (that's the like the superboss) declared it a neutral gangfree zone and no longer declares it as their territory. A truce with the policemen or something like that. But still the same, they're still watching the area.

    Oricon Bay has sprawling residential areas, condos, medium-sized businesses and controllable crime rates. It's a pretty safe place to live in. But despite that, as it moves West towards TaiPing-Lin, things start to deteriorate. The Harlot is somewhere here as it's one of the best place to start an arcade with the semi-sleazy clientele.

    TaiPing-Lin means 'Peaceful Forest'. It was originally an industrial area which later was abandoned as pollution got outta control. People who could not afford the living costs in OriconBay and SaiChuan lurks here, especially immigrants. So it's known as the Slums now. The law has basically no control over this place, except for the occasional raids after/before elections as "attempts" of the government to clean up the place. Small time gangs started forming as prostitution and gambling dens pop up, becoming the main income of the people there. The Northern Boys aka Taiping-Lin gang is actually the integration of all these small gangs under their charismatic leader, Old Man Hoong. The gang consists of mixed minority races with Koreans holding the highest positions in the gang hierarchy. They're famous for their vicious fighters.

    As of now, the street which marks the borders between OriconBay and TaiPing-Lin is the hottest place to going to if you're looking for adult entertainment and nightlife, with all manner of perversions and creative partying. This street is St Quentin Str, which is also where the Purple Blossoms Court is.

    Aida commutes between her house to her work place by public bus or sometimes, the club van. Her house (Ah Tatt CoffeeHouse) is near the RedRiver. Factories nearby are partially active and are still spouting toxic wastes into the river. The water is being treated by waste-eating bacterias, which explains why it's red. This river cuts across all three areas: TaiPing-Lin, Oricon Bay and SaiChuan. only difference is, by the time it reaches SaiChuan, it's crystal clear.

    Different races practicies their own traditions, but not so actively. THere are no made up cultural practices. Think real world. Anyhow so, main asian holidays still exist, e.g. Lunar New Year and Wesak Day and Christmas.

    For further details, please read the forum to see details.

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  1. HELP!!! I can't view the archive pages!!!


  1. Why can't I view the archives section in Keenspace?

    Please refer to this forum discussions. It explains why some people can't view the images in keenspace properly.

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